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The Complete Guide to Lecture Capture

What is lecture capture?

A lecture capture is a broad term that refers to the process of recording lectures or presentations and making them available to learners. Typically, videos are recorded using lecture capture solutions such as a video management system (VMS), hardware, or software.

Depending on the type of lecture you wish to create, you can record audio, PowerPoint slides, or your desktop screen. What’s more, you can record a video with a presenter. For instance, a VMS can capture several streams simultaneously, enabling you to record the audio, visual aids (slides, etc.), and a background (virtual or physical).

Can you integrate existing technology with new lecture capture systems?

A key factor for many universities when choosing a lecture capture system is whether or not it can integrate with the technology they already have on campus.
The good news is, software systems now hook directly into the school’s learning management system (LMS), and hardware options are built to work with existing AV equipment.

How can you make sure students watch recorded lectures?

One advancement over the last few years has been the ability to gain insights through video data. Through their LMS, professors can now see which students watch the recorded lectures and track how much they’ve seen. They can also hold students accountable by connecting video viewing percentages with their LMS gradebook as a measure of class participation and engagement.

What devices can lectures be viewed on?

The best lecture capture systems don’t limit where lectures can be watched. Look for a system that allows students to choose the best option for them. Whether they have a Mac, PC, iOS, or Android device, the content should always be readily available.
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